Meditation & The Moon {full moon}

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This week is the week of the January full moon. Many indigenous groups have specific names for each of the 13 full moons of the year. January’s moon, by northern and eastern tribes, was often called the wolf moon.

So called because this is a time, deep in winter, when the wolves are hungry and howling frequently.

For us too, January has evolved to be a hungry month. For many people throughout the world, this is a literal hunger, and for those of us who are fortunate enough to have enough to eat in this moment, metaphorically we’ve been trained to focus on hunger this month too - 

What do I WANT for the coming year?

What will I accomplish? 

What will make me feel like enough?


Interestingly, the full moon is also the time when we are believed to be the most magnetic, articulate, receptive and collaborative. The light of the moon and ourselves is bright and reflecting outward.

So, in this receptive moment, how do we address the hungry wolf? 

With love. With Compassion. 

Not enoughness can not be satiated with accomplishments, with praise or with plans. The empty belly of enoughness can only be filled with a steady diet of compassion. This is also the final component of a meditation practice. 

Join me for today’s episode of The Mindful Minute as we discuss the full moon and its implications for our meditation practice. As always, we will finish with a 20-minute guided meditation. 

Special thanks to today’s sponsor:

Baronfig - Baronfig’s line of “Tools for Thinkers” includes guided journals, notebooks, writing instruments, bags, accessories, and so much more. As an avid journaler, I use and love their guided meditation journal, dream journal and their basic Confidant notebooks! Get one for yourself here:

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Mini Meditation: Full Moon Meditation


Mini Meditation: Waxing Moon Meditation