Mini Meditation: Elemental Awakening to Wind

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My newest program, Elemental Awakening, is an exploration of the elements and their corresponding sacred practices. It runs from the Spring Equinox to the Fall Equinox, and it is a chance for 12 of you to study in-depth with me over the course of the next 7 months. 

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be releasing a few mini meditations that correspond with each element as a way to explore Elemental Awakening for yourself.

Today’s mini meditation invites you to meditate with the idea and experience of wind.

This experience invites us into equanimity as sometimes we resonate with the sensation of being blown around. Chaotic, uncontrolled. Other times, we resonate with the sensation of our feet solidly on the ground, a steady anchor as the wind whips around us. 

Join me now for this short practice, and learn more about Elemental Awakening here.


The Ways of Wind {part 3}


The Ways of Wind {part 2}