Letting Go With Compassion

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With every potent and powerful transition, it can be SO tempting to turn back. To pretend we didn’t see or don’t know better because it can feel easier to be miserable than to push for the breakthrough to joy.

But we are born for joy. The practice isn’t teaching us to be joyful; the practice is helping us access our joy. 

Some days this can be hard to believe. Here in the States, we just lost a Supreme Court Justice, and both political parties will continue to spew hatred and lies and try to manipulate in their own ways. And, it will continue to break our hearts.

In this moment, I believe the only thing we can do is carry on with the most on-fire compassion practice of all time. NOW IS THE TIME.

It is SO easy to intellectualize the practice of meditation. To study, to read and to learn without taking time to explore these concepts through the lens of the heart. And yet, this practice of ‘mindfulness’ is often translated to something closer to “heartfulness”.

This is meant to be a tender and embodied practice. Not em-brained. Embodied. 

We let ourselves soften into a practice that feels warm and kind and generous of spirit rather than stern or overly-disciplined.

Join me for today’s episode of The Mindful Minute as we discuss letting go into compassion and share in a 20-minute guided meditation practice. 

You can practice with me live each Monday as I record this podcast. My virtual meditation class includes time for Q&A and a chance to connect with me personally! https://www.union.fit/orgs/meryl-arnett

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Many thanks to our sponsor, Go Zafu - the portable meditation cushion designed for outdoor use. The Go Zafu combination meditation pad & cushion removes the logistical and comfort barriers that stand between you and peaceful meditation in nature.

Use code: Mindful10 to save 10% on https://gozafu.com/

***Did you know I have a FREE Meditation Starter Kit on my website merylarnett.com? It is full of my favorite tips, stories and ideas for starting and maintaining a daily meditation practice. Grab your copy today! --> http://bit.ly/meditationstarterkit ***

Connect with me on Instagram {@merylarnett} to get bonus meditation tips, mini-meditations, and the occasional baby spam: https://www.instagram.com/merylarnett/



Mini Meditation: Heartfulness


Mini Meditation: Expansion