AIDS Walk Atlanta 2014
As many of you know, I have been working over the last year with Positive Impact - an HIV/AIDS non-profit organization in Atlanta. I'm providing therapeutic yoga classes to the clients going through a PTSD & Substance Abuse rehabilitation program. The results have been tremendous so far and I'm thrilled to share that we are working to add a second, continuing ed class for those that graduate from this rehab program. To help fund these classes, I am participating in AIDS Walk Atlanta this year as part of Positive Impact's team. All the money we raise will go towards funding these yoga classes as well as further developing the protocol we will use for future clients.
If you can, I would be forever grateful if you would make a donation by clicking on this link: http:// 2014aidswalkatlanta.kintera. org/merylyogini
My personal goal is to raise $1000 by October 19.