Untangle: A Guided Meditation

shutterstock_125340167Who: Anyone who is curious about meditation!What: A guided meditation practice that you can join in on from the comfort of your own home.When: Sunday, April 2nd at 9am with Meryl Arnett; Sunday, April 16th with Rachelle KnowlesWhere: Your meditation cushion, or favorite cozy corner of your house (your bed is okay too).Our guest instructor for April http://acheterdufrance.com/ is Meryl Arnett of Sacred Chill {West}. A ticket (suggested $10 donation) includes access to both calls and recordings of the meditations. Cultivate Union is a 501(c)3 organanzaiton; your donation is 100% tax-deductible. All proceeds from this meditation series directly support Cultivate Union's programming which includes yoga service across the city of Atlanta and scholarship initiatives for local yoga instructors.Register Here


Mindful Parenting, Soul Tonics & A Mindful Minute


Smile Meditation