The Way of Roots {part 1}

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Often, when we talk about simplifying, getting back to basics or our foundation, we say “getting back to our roots”...  and my offering this month is exactly that -

 It is an invitation to get back to our roots in the most literal way possible. To explore our rootedness and how this relates to our meditation practice. 

When I think about the roots of a plant, I see this as something innate, something forged, and something woven. Over the next 3 classes, we will look at each of these ideas in turn.

Roots are innate. They are the first thing to grow from a seed; a seed is ‘born’ with roots so to speak. They are something we too are born with. This early and automatic ability to present. To be HERE. We are just part of the earth, the family, the moment without question. 

Roots, in botany, are the part of a vascular plant normally underground. Its primary functions are 

  • To anchor of the plant 

  • To aid in the absorption of water and minerals

  • To store a reserve of food.

Our practice serves much the same purpose. It anchors us to the present moment, it allows us to absorb the benefits of being present, non-judgmental and compassionate, and it prepares us to face difficult times with equanimity.

And, here is the vital element - we can access this wisdom just as we are. We are born with roots. Rootedness is innate to us.

Join me for today’s talk and 20-minute guided meditation.


Mini Meditation: Access Your Roots


Mini Meditation: Community Meditation