Self-Care For Busy People

This isn't actually "reading", but I thought I'd share a quick review of Kris Carr's new meditation album "Self Care For Busy People." As you know, I am a HUGE fan of any and all tools that will help us to sit on our cushions everyday and take a few mindful breaths. I'm also a huge Kris Carr fan! :-)I've been using her new album for the last few weeks, and here is my take:If you already have a mindfulness practice or your meditation goals are to develop a practice where you sit with your breath and your present experience (true mindfulness or Vipassana-style meditation) then this album probably isn't for you. It is pretty much all guided imagery, lots of talking, cialis rembourse ou pas very little silence. I haven't found a "deep" experience with it.However, if you are looking for an easy, uplifting sit or something to boost your mood and perhaps help you let go of a little stress then this is a great choice. Kris' voice is lovely and her positive energy clearly shines through each of her guided meditations.I like to think of this as "meditation lite" - I love it when I'm feeling frazzled, overly upset by something or just irritated sitting in traffic. It is also a really nice way to start your meditation - listen to one of the guided tracks and then switch to

the beautiful "ocean dreams" ambient track for some additional time of silent sitting.Happy SittingIMG_4349


Let's Meditate


Healthy, Not-So Healthy. Balance is Key!