Nature-Based Meditations

Our Mindful Nature explores the deep connection between the land and Self through nature-based meditations that invite us back into belonging - to each other, our ancestors, the earth, and all beings that make up this universe. 

This podcast features interviews, guided meditations, and collaborations with some of the top nature field recordists of our time. Each episode is created with the goal of fostering connection and resilience in the face of climate crisis. You can expect classes centered on accessible, equitable, communal well-being primarily through nature-based meditations created through the lens of Tantric meditation and Spiritual Ecology.

Now, let’s grab a cup of tea, a comfy seat and settle in for today’s practice. 


Uncategorized Meryl Arnett Uncategorized Meryl Arnett

The One Minute Meditation

For the days when even a 5-minute break doesn’t feel possible. Rather than think, “I SHOULD pause and meditate” let’s really do it… One minute to wake up, reconnect, and move forward with clear intention.

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Uncategorized Meryl Arnett Uncategorized Meryl Arnett

Doing The Dishes

This meditation shifts our formal practice to a “mindful minute”. In the midst of our busy days, can we find moments to re-awaken? To become present to the full experience of whatever it is that we are doing? Even if it is simply washing dishes.

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Uncategorized Meryl Arnett Uncategorized Meryl Arnett


Every single moment has a feeling tone to it: pleasure, pain or neutrality, and each of those tones is accompanied by an automatic reaction…

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Uncategorized Meryl Arnett Uncategorized Meryl Arnett

Stuck in Traffic

Being a native Atlantan, I feel pretty confident this meditation will be useful! How often do you get stuck in traffic or waiting on the bus? How often have you thought you planned enough time to get somewhere and then, lo and behold, with zero control of the circumstances, you find yourself 10, 15 even 30 minutes late thanks to traffic.

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Uncategorized Meryl Arnett Uncategorized Meryl Arnett

Relearning Loveliness

During the course of the day, we experience ourselves in many different roles. As a friend, an employee, a partner, a parent… With some people we act one way; with others we act differently. Today’s meditation reunites the fragmented parts of our soul and offers a chance to reconnect to our self, to our inherent loveliness.

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Uncategorized Meryl Arnett Uncategorized Meryl Arnett

You Are Ok

For most of us, we operate with some level of “I am not ok; this moment needs to be FIXED” more often than not. We are continually editing the story of our lives, and we do it in a thick, red Sharpie. With slashes across the page, giant X’s through words/moments/experiences and lots of notes in the margins…

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Support Our Mindful Nature

Since 2016, I have joyfully poured all my creative energy into the creation of this podcast. It has grown from an occasional meditation offering to a weekly show with interviews, book recommendations, guided practices and high-quality nature soundscapes. If these offerings support you and your meditation practice, please consider making a one-time or monthly donation to support the growth of this labor of love. If you can’t donate, please consider sharing  this podcast with a friend or leaving a review wherever you listen to your podcasts.

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“Just wanted to say a huge thanks from Suffolk U.K I started to listen to your podcasts after the return of anxiety and panic attacks and you have made my life so much clearer, and calmer I love listening to your podcasts, you will never know how much your calming words soothe my soul.”

— Our Mindful Nature Podcast listener