Nature-Based Meditations
Our Mindful Nature explores the deep connection between the land and Self through nature-based meditations that invite us back into belonging - to each other, our ancestors, the earth, and all beings that make up this universe.
This podcast features interviews, guided meditations, and collaborations with some of the top nature field recordists of our time. Each episode is created with the goal of fostering connection and resilience in the face of climate crisis. You can expect classes centered on accessible, equitable, communal well-being primarily through nature-based meditations created through the lens of Tantric meditation and Spiritual Ecology.
Now, let’s grab a cup of tea, a comfy seat and settle in for today’s practice.
Ritual & The Path to Freedom {part 3 of 3}
In the last installment of this month’s meditation series, we are diving into the third main cause of everyday suffering – Ignorance.
Ritual & The Path to Freedom {part 2 of 3}
Have you ever had one of these days –you wake up late.
you spill coffee on your clothes.
your forget your cell phone and have to turn around.
you hit every.single.red.light….
Ritual & The Path to Freedom {part 1 of 3}
A new month, a new series….
This series was born from struggle. Struggle with too much intensity, too much hurt, too much confusion. This happens in our lives at various points, for various reasons… For me right now, current events and the state of the world are what caused my spiral into intense and overwhelming emotion.
A Meditation in Honor of Refuge Families
This week’s podcast is a recording of a special class we hosted at Sacred Chill {West} as a fundraiser for Raices Texas – an organization that provides legal aid to the refuge parents and children separated at the US Mexico border over these last several months.
Joyful Effort {part 3 of 3}
This entire series, Joyful Effort, was inspired by a student’s recent comment to me that although she was trying to meditate everyday she didn’t really feel BETTER. Her anxiety didn’t go away after meditation. Neither did sadness…
Joyful Effort {part 2 of 3}
How do we keep the work of sitting still & learning our own minds joyful? How do we remain curious through boredom, fear, or frustration?
Joyful Effort {part 1 of 3}
Happy June, meditators! This month our community intention at Sacred Chill {West} is JOYFUL EFFORT <3 As we think about summer there is a carefree, exciting hum of energy that often accompanies the expectation of the next many weeks.
The Conditions For Magic {part 3 of 3}
In our final installment of The Conditions for Magic series, we are talking about the alchemy, the transformation, that takes place within meditation. I was inspired by a recent interview with Italian Physicist Carlo Rovelli when he said, “we understand the world through interactions.”
Support Our Mindful Nature
Since 2016, I have joyfully poured all my creative energy into the creation of this podcast. It has grown from an occasional meditation offering to a weekly show with interviews, book recommendations, guided practices and high-quality nature soundscapes. If these offerings support you and your meditation practice, please consider making a one-time or monthly donation to support the growth of this labor of love. If you can’t donate, please consider sharing this podcast with a friend or leaving a review wherever you listen to your podcasts.
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“Just wanted to say a huge thanks from Suffolk U.K I started to listen to your podcasts after the return of anxiety and panic attacks and you have made my life so much clearer, and calmer I love listening to your podcasts, you will never know how much your calming words soothe my soul.”
— Our Mindful Nature Podcast listener