Nature-Based Meditations

Our Mindful Nature explores the deep connection between the land and Self through nature-based meditations that invite us back into belonging - to each other, our ancestors, the earth, and all beings that make up this universe. 

This podcast features interviews, guided meditations, and collaborations with some of the top nature field recordists of our time. Each episode is created with the goal of fostering connection and resilience in the face of climate crisis. You can expect classes centered on accessible, equitable, communal well-being primarily through nature-based meditations created through the lens of Tantric meditation and Spiritual Ecology.

Now, let’s grab a cup of tea, a comfy seat and settle in for today’s practice. 


Uncategorized Meryl Arnett Uncategorized Meryl Arnett

Mindful Living {part 1 of 4}

Hello Friends! Happy November!

As we move into the season of giving and getting, I thought it could be helpful to revisit some vital teachings that connect us to mindful living. Our meditation practice this time of year can be more important than ever, and, with so much clamoring for our attention right now, how wonderful to focus on the simplicity of these teachings. They keep us clear, mindful and awake to what really matters.

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Uncategorized Meryl Arnett Uncategorized Meryl Arnett

The Overview Effect & The Antidote to Fear

Some moments feel all-consuming, don’t they? Especially moments of profound hopelessness, despair, or fear. Moments when it feels like there is nothing to be done and nothing will change…. These can be difficult personal moments in our work life or our family life, and they can be difficult times in the state of our world – the ongoing trauma of hatred, the intense feelings of separateness.

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Uncategorized Meryl Arnett Uncategorized Meryl Arnett

Pausing In Discomfort

One of the things I’m constantly thinking about/discussing/brainstorming is the difficulty in maintaining a consistent meditation practice. WHY is it so hard for us {myself included} to commit to something that we KNOW will help us enjoy our lives more fully??

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Uncategorized Meryl Arnett Uncategorized Meryl Arnett

Ordinary Grace {part 3 of 3}

This past weekend was full of special, beautiful moments, some mundane ones, and a few really annoying moments. Interestingly, I noticed that because I had some really special moments, the frustrating moments were MORE frustrating. It seems that when partnered right alongside something wonderful, it is even harder than normal to deal with the difficult moments. It sends us into a daily, tumultuous tailspin of emotion –

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Uncategorized Meryl Arnett Uncategorized Meryl Arnett

Ordinary Grace {part 2 of 3}

Today, we are talking about the PRACTICE of opening to an everyday, ordinary Grace, and a large part of this practice is how we relate to stress. For most of us, the natural assumption is that stress is a bad thing. That it is in the way of our joy, and that we need things to be different if we are to open to Grace.

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Uncategorized Meryl Arnett Uncategorized Meryl Arnett

Ordinary Grace {part 1 of 3}

I’m not a Zen meditation practitioner, but I’m intrigued by the practice of Zen Koans. A koan is a question or a story that upon reflecting on it, causes the student to awaken. Hearing the right question at the right moment. Seeing the sunrise on this particular day…. Any of thousands of mundane moments can be the catalyst for awakening to the grace and beauty of our everyday lives. This month’s meditation series is about exactly this – Ordinary Grace.

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Support Our Mindful Nature

Since 2016, I have joyfully poured all my creative energy into the creation of this podcast. It has grown from an occasional meditation offering to a weekly show with interviews, book recommendations, guided practices and high-quality nature soundscapes. If these offerings support you and your meditation practice, please consider making a one-time or monthly donation to support the growth of this labor of love. If you can’t donate, please consider sharing  this podcast with a friend or leaving a review wherever you listen to your podcasts.

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“Just wanted to say a huge thanks from Suffolk U.K I started to listen to your podcasts after the return of anxiety and panic attacks and you have made my life so much clearer, and calmer I love listening to your podcasts, you will never know how much your calming words soothe my soul.”

— Our Mindful Nature Podcast listener