Can Meditation Unite Us? {part 1}

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April 2022 is a powerful month this year. For the first time in 31 years, the sacred holidays of Passover, Easter & Ramadan all overlap in the same month. These holidays respectively celebrate themes of liberation and expansion, rebirth and renewal, and forgiveness and self-restraint.

Unrelated and yet related, I recently went on a foraging hike in the North Georgia mountains. I learned about some of the medicinal plants that are in abundance right now like violets, dead nettle, and yellow root. So many of these plants offer medicine that is deeply needed in this moment - respiratory health, vibrancy, and healing. In a talk given by a fellow meditation teacher, she marveled at the fact that the earth is producing exactly what we most need right now.

In the same way, we see time responding to our needs. The overlap of lunar and solar calendars doesn’t happen often, and at a moment when divisiveness feels ever-present - when we are seeing a dramatic ramp up in exclusive policy vs inclusive policy - the universe is responding with the reminder of what we most need and what is most sacred:

Our connection to each other and the planet we live on

Join me for today’s episode of The Mindful Minute as we explore our meditation practice as a pathway to unity.


Mini Meditation: Personal Renewal


Mini Meditation: How We Grow