Mini Meditation: How We Grow

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In the last episode, Rhizomatic Meditation, I created and shared this term - ‘Rhizomatic Meditation’ which is really just another way to describe the process of becoming a meditator, in my opinion.

A rhizome is “a continuously growing horizontal underground stem which puts out lateral shoots and adventitious roots at intervals” like ginger or iris plants.

I think this is an interesting lens to view our meditation practice through as well. Rather than a clear end goal that we are systematically working towards, accomplishing one study unit and then the next; instead we grow horizontally along our path underground.

It isn’t always clear. It definitely isn’t linear. Nor are we always fully aware of the process happening underground.

So, we continue to meditate, we journal, and we share or discuss with our community to help us uncover/discover what is happening as we grow underground.

Join me for today’s mini meditation and let’s feel for ourselves how we grow.


Can Meditation Unite Us? {part 1}


Rhizomatic Meditation