Grief & Anxiety {part 3}
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When emotion overwhelms our system, it is called 'flooding', and in today’s episode, we are going to learn to build our rafts. We will explore soothing techniques to support our big emotions.
There are 5 stages of emotional acceptance when meeting difficult emotions, and each successive stage corresponds to a gradual release of emotional resistance -
Resisting - struggling against
Exploring - turning toward discomfort with curiosity
Tolerating - safely enduring, holding steady
Allowing - letting feelings come and go
Befriending - seeing the value in difficult emotional experiences
We work with each of these stages through the lens of self-compassion.
We talked last week about softening the body - this is a form of physical compassion.
Today, we explore soothing, an emotional compassion, which allows us to tolerate big emotions and perhaps move towards allowance. Join me for today’s talk and 20-minute guided meditation practice - an experience of soothing.
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