Mini Meditation: The Edge of the Universe

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You guys. I have something BIG to share with you today!

I have just released my newest offering into the world. This is something that has been incubating in my meditations, my dreams and my daily walks for a full year, and I am so delighted to finally share this with you! ⁠

Elemental Awakening is an exploration of the elements and 6 corresponding sacred practices. This program will run from the Spring Equinox to the Fall Equinox, and it is a chance for 12 of you to study in-depth with me over the course of the next 7 months.

This is not a workshop, a training or an intensive.

This is an invitation.

An invitation to go deeper with me; to gather in an engaged, curious community; to explore together; and to weave a tapestry of our own magic.

I’m so excited to share a bit about this opportunity with you guys, AND I’m releasing one of my newest meditations from my newly redesigned nature-based meditation app - Roots. This practice is one I’ve been using daily for weeks, and I think you might enjoy it too -

A while ago, I had the opportunity to hike to the top of Haleakala - a dormant volcano on Maui, Hawaii. The summit lies at 10,023 feet above sea level. We were above the clouds, and although it was summer time, it was bitterly cold as the wind whipped around us. The landscape felt desert-like, but what was most noticeable was the way it seemed like you were closer to the sky than the earth. It felt like we were quite literally ‘hanging in the void’ or the liminal space between the solid ground we call home and the expansive universe that wraps around us.

It was a moment of both/and - of being connected to the life we live on a daily basis and equally connected to the greater expanse that reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously or to worry too much.

In this practice, we hear the wind whipping from the top of a volcano as recorded by Gordon Hempton. We imagine ourselves at the edge, the void between earth and the universe, between the mundane and universal consciousness.

Let’s practice balancing on this edge.

Native Hawaiians, also known as Kanaka Maoli, are the first people to have heard the sounds of this particular landscape.

You can learn more about Elemental Awakening here:

Special thanks to today’s sponsor:

Baronfig - Baronfig’s line of “Tools for Thinkers” includes guided journals, notebooks, writing instruments, bags, accessories, and so much more. As an avid journaler, I use and love their guided meditation journal, dream journal and their basic Confidant notebooks! Get one for yourself here:

These mini meditations are meant to support a daily home practice. Tune in every Monday to find your practice for the week! Full episodes are released every Thursday for a longer, deeper practice.

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Learn more about my:

***Elemental Awakening: Begins March 20

**Roots: my nature-based meditation app

*Live, virtual meditation classes with me

*Upcoming events

All by visiting

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You can also grab my FREE Meditation Starter Kit on my website It is full of my favorite tips, stories and ideas for starting and maintaining a daily meditation practice. Grab your copy today! --> ***

Connect with me on Instagram {@merylarnett} to get bonus meditation tips, mini-meditations, and the occasional baby spam:



The Ways of Wind {part 2}


The Ways of Wind {part 1}