Spiritual Physics {part 2}

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In this 2-part series, we are looking at meditation as the nexus of space, time, and body-soul.

Last week, we explored how we might fully enter space, the heartbeat of the earth and our resonance when we fully connect in this way. 

This week, we tackle the concept of time. Perhaps the most frequent refrain I hear as a meditation teacher is…. “But, I don’t have time?!”.

Often, we are scared to fully enter time because we operate from a place of deficit. Somewhere, someway, we were sold the belief that there isn’t enough time and that we are not in control of what little time we do have…

The secret truth is that time is ours to play with. 

The time we dedicate to eating, sleeping, making money, and caring for others - this time is sacrosanct and given priority. But prayer, meditation, study, pleasure - these are fit in only in stolen seconds. 

The truth is, you do have time, you might just choose to spend it differently.

This is a big, big topic with lots of nuance - let’s start the conversation now, in this episode of The Mindful Minute, along with a 20-minute guided meditation because… you do have time ;-)


Mini Meditation: Time Is Yours To Play With


Mini Meditation: Fully Embody Your Space