Nature-Based Meditations
Our Mindful Nature explores the deep connection between the land and Self through nature-based meditations that invite us back into belonging - to each other, our ancestors, the earth, and all beings that make up this universe.
This podcast features interviews, guided meditations, and collaborations with some of the top nature field recordists of our time. Each episode is created with the goal of fostering connection and resilience in the face of climate crisis. You can expect classes centered on accessible, equitable, communal well-being primarily through nature-based meditations created through the lens of Tantric meditation and Spiritual Ecology.
Now, let’s grab a cup of tea, a comfy seat and settle in for today’s practice.
Choose Chill
Join me as we enter into this year’s Black Friday weekend by setting a mindful intention. Before we shop. Before we eat. Before we connect with friends and family. Let’s clear some space and invite in exactly what we most need this holiday season.
Releasing Resistance
1. the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.
2. the ability not to be affected by something, especially adversely.
What Peace Really Means
Our meditation practice is the practice of The Middle Way. Meaning the practice isn’t about perfection, a goal or an end-game. The practice IS the practice.
The Life Affirming Practice of Meditation
Tapas is a sanskrit term that can described as the friction created when we move against the grain… When we move up against the edges of our comfort-level… Today we spend a few minutes talking about our meditation practice as a form of Tapas and how this “friction” helps us to experience more joy in our daily lives.
Stepping Into the Fire
Tapas is a sanskrit word translates to mean “heat”. Often it is used within a yoga practice as self-discipline, spiritual growth, transformation, austerities…
Ride The Waves
This meditation is 10-minute ocean-side meditation I recorded at sunrise one morning. Simple, sweet & peaceful. It is a great way to start or pause your day! I chat briefly at the beginning to set-up this meditation, if you want to skip right to the meditation, go to 1:00.
The Overview Effect
The Overview Effect is described as a cognitive shift in awareness while viewing the Earth from space. A perspective that allows us to erase national boundaries, forget personal differences and move into the collective consciousness of a planetary society…
Support Our Mindful Nature
Since 2016, I have joyfully poured all my creative energy into the creation of this podcast. It has grown from an occasional meditation offering to a weekly show with interviews, book recommendations, guided practices and high-quality nature soundscapes. If these offerings support you and your meditation practice, please consider making a one-time or monthly donation to support the growth of this labor of love. If you can’t donate, please consider sharing this podcast with a friend or leaving a review wherever you listen to your podcasts.
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“Just wanted to say a huge thanks from Suffolk U.K I started to listen to your podcasts after the return of anxiety and panic attacks and you have made my life so much clearer, and calmer I love listening to your podcasts, you will never know how much your calming words soothe my soul.”
— Our Mindful Nature Podcast listener